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Take Back Canada

By Zanna Linskaia

On July 1 Canada has marked 157 years of Confederation. I remember my first celebration many years ago with fantastic fireworks on English Bay in Vancouver and happiness for being Canadian.

In his annual message J.Trudeau hails “inclusive” values. Let’s break barriers and create opportunities for everyone”, - he said. In contrast to his optimistic speech, according to a national survey, 7 in 10 Canadians believe that “everything is broken in the country right now” and they feel betrayal by government, anger, delusion and distrust. Opposition Conservative leader P.Poilievre admits, that in his 2 decades in politics he has “never seen so much hurt, pain and sufferings in our population”. 1.5 million people on food bank, housing crisis, inflation, drug legalization, mass immigration and illegal migrants, crimes and anti-Semitism, and so on...

We don’t recognize our cities and towns anymore. Canadians who were born here, raised families and hard worked paying taxes, became a second class citizens. We are allowing pro-Palestinian mobs, wearing kufiyahs and masks, to march on the streets with terroristic slogans and chants, to blockade bridges and highways, to set their camps on the universities’ territories, to vandalize Jewish schools and synagogues.

2 young women in Halifax were attacked by a group of 10 Syrian men. The girls were kicked and punched in the heads and ribs getting a broken nose and teeth. It was not covered by CBC, but a host announces that Liberals decided to bring additional 5 thousands Palestinians from Gaza and 45 thousands Lebanese.

To my surprise, I watched anti-mass immigration protesters’ march in Toronto -“Take back Canada” on Canada Day. Canadians with National flags and open faces demand: “Free Canada from hate, radical Islam and from Trudeau”. One of them says: “If you bring people who do not share values, don’t willing to work and want only to have benefits and free stuff, we get chaos. If you come here, you should adapt our culture and language, not bring your radical ideas and push Canadians accept you way of life”.

Hopefully, Canadians began to see, what’s going on, and are starting to stand


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