By Zanna Linskaia
Canadians have always been differed from other nations by their politeness, openness and kindness. But the statistics in recent years are drastically changed - people became more rude, unpredictable and even aggressive. And the reason of this changes psychologists see in pandemic, recession, non-stability in the world and uncertainty in the future.
However, one day in the year can make you happy - on January 24, 2023 we celebrate National Compliment Day by going all out with praise.
The power of a compliment is pretty remarkable: either giving or receiving one can boost your happiness, confidence and self-esteem— making an amazing moment of your life.
It is always wonderful to hear something nice about ourselves and say something nice to others.
Whose idea was to start this celebration? In early of 2000 Hans Poortvliet from the Netherlands began to send cards to his colleagues and friends with warm and beautiful words about them. His initiative became very popular in his country, and then
it was spread to the globe as National Compliment Day. Mister Poortvliet stressed that the compliment should be in words and not in gifts, because only words can feel our hearts with positive energy. Compliment can brighten and improve your day - how often we can hear after nice words to your friends or strangers - “You made my day”!
The word “compliment” comes from the Latin word “complimentum” or “complere”- to fill up. Compliments are one of the most extraordinary components in human history.
King Solomon in his “Song of Songs” praised his beloved women, while the poets and writers of Renaissance - era compared them to roses, Goddesses or miracles. Believe it or not, but in our modern world only 40% of women like compliments, and 60% of
females say that compliments embarrass them.
Nevertheless, as famous bard-poet Bulat Okudzhava sang:
“Let’s say to each other compliments”... And not only on the National Compliment Day...

I couldn't have said it better and on any day - not only January 24th.
I am deeply moved by the community I am a part of, the dedication of all our volunteers and the beautiful souls of all the men and women in our shul. Well done!